Friday, March 29, 2019

Pameran Kecil Mika Funaki & Naho Yokoya

Kami mengundang Anda untuk datang pada:

Pameran Kecil

Mika Funaki & Naho Yokoya

Gallery 2 Langgeng Art Foundation
27 Maret - 5 April 2019
Pkl 10.00 - 18.00 WIB
(Hari Minggu tutup)

"For everything dear to me"  

Saya bertemu seorang teman di pagi yang indah di Yogyakarta,
Teman ini membawa saya ke teman lain yang tinggal di rumah yang gelap.
Dia menyanyikan lagu alove ... dan KIMIGAYO, Lagu Kebangsaan Jepang.
Tiba-tiba lanskap di sekitar saya mulai teleport.
Seolah itu indikasi,
Kupu-kupu terbang ke dalam ruangan,
dan seekor kucing mendekatiku dengan langkah diam-diam.
Semuanya membentuk satu lingkaran, terhubung satu sama lain dan mulai memutar.
Di dunia yang berputar ini,
Saya bertemu "Anda" yang tak tergantikan
yang belum saya lihat,
tetapi sebenarnya, yang sudah saya kenal dengan baik.

We cordially invite you to come :

Little Exhibition

Mika Funaki & Naho Yokoya

Gallery 2 Langgeng Art Foundation
27 March - 5 April 2019
10 AM - 6 PM
(We're closed on Sunday)

"For everything dear to me"

I met a friend in a beautiful early morning in Yogyakarta,
This friend took me to another friend who lives in a white house.
He sang a love song...and KIMIGAYO, Japan's National Anthem.
Suddenly the landscape around me starts to teleport.
As if it were indications,
Butterflies fly into the room,                  
and a cat approaches me with the stealthy footsteps.
All of them form a loop, connect with one another and begin to rotate.
In this rotating world,
I meet irreplaceable "you"
whom I haven't seen yet,
but in truth, whom I already know very well.

Naho Yokoya is an artist from Japan who uses historical and archaeological themes in her work.
Mika Funaki is an artist from Japan who explores themes about images and memories

Langgeng Artist in Residency 2019 Program is a collaborative work between Langgeng Art Foundation and Artist Support Project 

CP & Information: +62 822 1177 3534 ( Nila )
Jalan Suryodiningratan no.37A Yogyakarta
Copyright © *2019* *Langgeng Art Foundation*, All rights reserved.

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Amir Sidharta
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