Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Cemeti Art House | German Season | Encounters #3

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German Season / Encounters #3
"100% Yogyakarta: Teater Garasi meets Rimini Protokoll"

Sunday, 25 October 2015 | 7.30 PM
Cemeti Art House / Rumah Seni Cemeti
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41 Yogyakarta

Within the framework of the "German season", the world acclaimed Berlin director trio "Rimini Protocol", will be performing in collaboration with the Indonesian theatrical group "Teater Garasi" and together with a hundred carefully selected representative citizens, a piece called "100% Yogyakarta".

The format includes "ordinary citizens" of the city of Yogyakarta from the beginning as lay actors in the process of making theater. It reflects the citizens of Yogyakarta city by their numbers and statistics and invites you to reflect on the everyday realities and to scrutinize.

As in other productions of "Rimini Protokoll" those experts of everyday life were determined together with Teater Garasi in a large-scale casting process, which describe on stage their personal perspective on their city. This unique concept has already been done in other cities such as Berlin, Vienna, Zurich, London, Tokyo and Melbourne.

Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi and Daniel Wetzel formed a writers-director team since 2000. Their work in the field of theater, radio plays, film and installation came in form of two and three constellations and as well as in solos. Since 2002, all of their works under the label "Rimini Protokoll" were summarized and announced. The focus of their work is the development of the means of the theater to allow unusual perspectives on our reality.

Join our artist talk on 25 October 2015, where the team will share their experiences in the creative working process, on selecting the Yogyakarta citizen, and how they manage the selected citizen in one stage.

This program is the third event of German Season/Encounters – a series of discussions presented at Cemeti Art House.

"100% Yogyakarta" will be shown at Concert Hall, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta on 31st October and 1st November 2015 at 7.30 pm. Ticket (FREE) can be reserved through 082136064601 (Lusi) or

At the initiative of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Season will be held for three months in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Indonesien, the German Embassy in Jakarta and the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID) in major cities all over Indonesia.

For more information please click:


German Season / Encounters #3

"100% Yogyakarta:Teater Garasi bertemu Rimini Protokoll"

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015 | 19.30
Rumah Seni Cemeti
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41 Yogyakarta

Dalam rangka Jerman Fest, trio sutradara terkenal asal Berlin Rimini Protokoll, bekerja sama dengan kelompok teater dari Indonesia Teater Garasi dan seratus warga perwakilan Yogyakarta yang terseleksi akan  terlibat dalam sebuah  pertunjukan berjudul 100% Yogyakarta.

Format pertunjukan ini melibatkan "warga biasa" dari kota Yogyakarta sebagai aktor awam dalam proses penciptaan teater. Pentas ini mencerminkan warga kota Yogyakarta, baik dari angka maupun statistik serta mengundang Anda untuk merefleksikan realitas sehari-hari dan untuk berpikir kritis.

Seperti dalam produksi Rimini Protokoll lainnya, wakil dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat ini dipilih secara bersama-sama dengan Teater Garasi dalam sebuah proses casting skala besar, yang menggambarkan perspektif pribadi masing-masing warga terhadap kota mereka di atas panggung. Konsep unik ini telah dilakukan di kota-kota lain di dunia, seperti Berlin, Wina, Zurich, London, Tokyo dan Melbourne.

Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi dan Daniel Wetzel membentuk tim penulis-sutradara sejak tahun 2000. Karya mereka di bidang teater, sandiwara radio, film dan seni instalasi hadir dalam konstelasi dua atau tiga, dan solo. Sejak tahun 2002, semua karya-karya mereka di bawah  label Rimini Protokoll dibuat ringkasannya dan dipublikasikan. Fokus pekerjaan  mereka adalah pengembangan sarana teater untuk memungkinkan hadirnya perspektif yang tidak biasa terhadap realitas kita.

Mari bergabung dalam bincang seniman pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2015, dimana kedua tim akan membagikan pengalaman mereka dalam proses kerja kreatif, dengan mencari seratus warga kota Yogyakarta dan bagaimana mereka mengurus seratus orang lebih di satu panggung.

Program ini adalah acara ketiga dari German Season/Encounters – sebuah rangkaian diskusi yang disajikan di Rumah Seni Cemeti.

Karya teater 100% Yogyakarta akan dipertunjukkan di Concert Hall Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, 31 Oktober dan 1 November 2015, pukul 19.30 WIB. Tiket bisa dipesan (GRATIS) di 082136064601 (Lusi) atau

Atas inisiatif Kementrian Luar Negeri Jerman, program German Season akan diadakan selama tiga bulan bekerja sama dengan Goethe-Institut Indonesien, Kedutaan Besar Jerman di Jakarta dan Perkumpulan Ekonomi Indonesia-Jerman (EKONID) di kota-kota besar di Indonesia.

Informasi lebih lanjut silakan periksa laman ini:
Copyright © 2015 Cemeti Art House, All rights reserved.

Cemeti Art House / Rumah Seni Cemeti
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41, Yogyakarta 55143
Open: 09.00 - 17.00, Closed on Sunday & Monday
Telp/Fax. +62 (0) 274 371015
M. +62 (0) 812 273 3564

Anggota Koalisi Seni Indonesia / Member of the Indonesian Arts Coalition


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