Humor and Tumor:row
Solo Exhibition Of :
Syalabi Ahmadsyalabihifni a.k.a. Syalabi Asya
Organized by:
Museum dan Tanah Liat
Dikurasi Oleh │Curated By:
Hari Prajitno
Pembukaan | Opening:
Jum'at | Friday, 1 April 2016| 7.30 pm
Pertunjukan Oleh │Special Performance by:
Babbity Rabbity│Emaneman Band│Ade Tanesia n' Friends
Pameran berlangsung hingga | Exhibition runs through:
Jum'at | Friday, 15 April 2016
di | at:
Jogja Contemporary
Komplek Jogja National Museum (JNM)
Jl. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1 Gampingan-Wirobrajan
Pameran Buka Setiap Hari Pada │ Exhibition Open Daily at:
10:00 WIB – 17:00 WIB
Ries (+62 818260134/ ries@jogjacontemporary.net)
Bara (+62 856 28 31147 / barahasti@gmail.com)
Seperti biasa MDTL (Museum dan Tanah Liat) memilih seseorang yang kami anggap masih setia pada cita-cita menegakkan keberagaman, yaitu yang masih setia pada hasrat eksperimental, bersifat seni, kreatif dan segar.
Hasrat alami sebelum terdapat keinginan atau kebutuhan, kegairahan sekaligus keberanian mengekspresikan hal yang fundamental pada manusia, hal yang asali sebagai berkah pada masing-masing setiap anak manusia yang terlahir.
Pameran MDTL kali ini adalah pameran ke empat bekerjasama dengan Jogja Contemporary, sekaligus digelar diruang pamer Jogja Contemporary. Tema Humor Tumor:row juga bisa berarti disamping diterangkan pada alinea-alinea awal, bisa pula berarti secara plesetan adalah humor (dan) keakandatangan (tomorrow). Lebih lanjut adalah Humor (kegembiraan) adalah capaian akhir/ akan datang yang dimulai dari tumor (kesakitan) dahulu, seperti pepatah berakit kehulu bersenang kemudian.
Humor masa depan, ataukah ini sebuah ramalan bahwa humor masa depan seperti yang sudah dikerjakan, dipamerkan kali ini, di ruang seni kali ini? Ya!, setidaknya kita sudah disodori bahwa bahasa ungkap bisa saja seenaknya (5 klasifikasi), menggunakan medium apa saja (cat air, pensil, spidol, crayon, tinta dan acrylic), teknik apa saja (sketsa, gambar, lukis, dan tiga dimensional serta tertata secara instalatif), menjadikan yang "negatif" semacam kegagalan menjadikan "positif", yaitu mengulangi "kegagalan" sebagai proses penciptaan.
Begitulah Ahmadsyalabihifni, Syalabi Ahmad Syalabi, atau banyak teman menyebutnya Syalabi Asya, Paman, Penggagas MOM (Museum of Mind), ataupun pak Bi yang familiar. Sebegitu banyak nama panggilan, nick name, karena memang sebegitu banyak pula teman dan orang-orang yang dikenalnya baik di Surabaya maupun di Jogja, dari kalangan seni, disain interior atau non seni, dari musik, teater hingga seni rupa, dari dan di mana pun banyak orang mengenalnya.
karya-karya kartun atau humornya adalah cerita keseharian yang juga kita miliki semua. Dari persoalan sepele, remeh-temeh, sampai yang mengerutkan jidat. Silakan menikmati, entah anda akan menemukan humor dan tumor secara bersama sekaligus, atau humor akan mampu melepas ketidaknyamanan (tumor), ataukah humor tiada beda dengan tumor tinggal bagaimana menyikapi, ataukah bagai sebuah cermin dan pencerminan sosok dan persoalannya sekaligus juga cerminan lingkungan.
Humor and Tumor:row
As usual, MDTL (Museum dan Tanah Liat) chose a person whom considered to keep being loyal to his idealism in defending variety, those who are still loyal in having desire of experimental works, have sense of art, creative and fresh.
A natural desire before having a willingness or a need, a passion and also a bravery to express fundamental things in human beings, things which are originally as blessings to every born child.
This is the fourth of MDTL's exhibition colaborated with Jogja Contemporary and it's held in Jogja Contemporary exhibition room. The theme above, like the one in previous paragraphs, may also means humour (and) the future ( tomorrow) in "plesetan" way. Next is humour (happiness) is the final achievement of the future which is started with tumor (pain) first, like a saying with the meaning that we should have sadness first and we will have happiness then.
Is the future humour or a prediction of humour in the future like what has been done in this exhibition? Yes!, at least we have given an understanding that the language of expressions could be just so free (5 classifications) using any media (water colour, pencils, markers, crayon, ink, and acrylic), with any techniques (sketching, drawing, painting in three-dimensional and arranged in instalatively, make "negative " things like failure to be "positive" by repeating "failures" as the process of creation.
That is Ahmadsyalabihifni, Syalabi Ahmad Syalabi or many of his friends call him Syalabi Asya, Paman (Uncle), the initiator of MOM (Museum of Mind), or the familiar pak Bi. There are so many nick names he has because he has so many friends and people who he knows in Surabaya and in Jogja as well, from art and non art communities, from theater to fine art, everywhere he goes, there are so many people knows him.
His cartoon works or humour is a daily story which all of us also have. From simple things, unimportant things to the things which may make us frown our forehead. Do enjoy it. Whether you will find humour and tumor at the same time or the humour can release uncomfortable thing (tumor), or humour is not different from tumor, it depends on how we see it, like a mirror and the reflection of a figure and its problems and also the reflection of its environment.
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