Monday, July 25, 2016

Jakarta Heritage Academy: for a livable historic city

Jakarta Heritage Academy: for a livable historic city

Dear relation,

You are cordially invited for the upcoming symposium Jakarta Heritage Academy on August 19 and 20 in Jakarta.

The central theme of the Academy is ‘the livable historic city’, with a strong focus on the restoration, preservation and management of historical buildings, in the wider context of urban planning and development (e.g. archival research, public-private partnerships, social design and community participation, water management and infrastructure). The programme is aimed at young Indonesian architects, policy makers, archivists and other relevant professionals.

The ultimate goal of the Academy is to equip young heritage professionals with knowledge and skills to preserve and manage heritage buildings in cities, and to show them that these buildings are not separate entities but that they are embedded in an urban fabric which requires a sustainable, integrated approach.

In August the Jakarta Heritage Academy programme will be officially launched in the form of a symposium, which will include keynote speeches, site visits as well as mapping sessions with the target group to find out what their challenges and questions are, in order to design a most efficient programme for the masterclasses. During the symposium special attention will go to drafting a statement of significance for a historic building, the crucial first step for preservation.

You are most welcome to join for an exchange of experiences.

Practical information

Date: Friday August 19 and Saturday August 20, 2016

Time: Friday: 08:30 to 17:00 hrs (12:00 to 13:30 hrs lunch and Friday prayer), followed by a network event with drinks and snacks (until 19:00 hrs)
Location: Friday: Erasmus Huis, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav S3, Jakarta Selatan

Language: English

Saturday: 08:30 to 17:00 hrs
Saturday: Historia Food and Bar, Jl. Pintu Besar Utara, Jakarta

Admission: Free, Please sign up through PDA and IAI before August 12

The official invitation and detailed programme will follow later. For enquiries and registration, you may contact 
Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (Indonesia): Uni 
Diana / +62 21 8291932, 
Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI): Christine / +62 21 5304719 or +62 8161342965 
DutchCulture (the Netherlands): Remco Vermeulen, / +31 20 6164 225
More information on the Jakarta Heritage Academy
Every Jakarta Heritage Academy masterclass will cover one topic and will be taught by Dutch and
Indonesian experts. The masterclasses will be held during six weekends in 2017, with the first session
planned in February and the last one in December. All partners aim for reruns of the Jakarta Heritage
Academy in 2018 and 2019. At the end of the academic year the most talented participant of the
masterclasses will be awarded with the Han Awal-Heuken scholarship to attend a post doctoral
programme at a relevant educational institute in the Netherlands.

About us
The Jakarta Heritage Academy is supported by Dutch partners Stichting Nationaal Cadeau Indonesia
(SNCI, or ‘Foundation National Gift Indonesia’), Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands,
National Archives of the Netherlands, Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta, Erasmus Huis and
DutchCulture, and by Indonesian partners Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (PDA), Heuken Institut
Jakarta, Ministry of Public Works and Housing and Ministry of Education and Culture. The partners
are hoping to further strengthen this support by involving educational institutes from both the
Netherlands and Indonesia.

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